Tuesday 25 February 2014

Main-stream media in Kerala reveals it’s class character by non-talking.

Anoop Varghese Kuriappuram

Kerala’s main stream media showed its real face to the public when it blacked out news on Radia tapes in the infamous 2G scam. Media, both print and visual, were totally silent for 2 days as if nothing had happened. Only after web enabled media as well as social media made this news a breaking one did conventional media was even report the 2G scam in Kerala. It is worth mentioning that it was the media owned by left groups which did a lead telecast on this issue. It was clear that the capitalist interests that fund and pay channels by means of advertisement blocked this news. Media, perceived by many as a fourth estate, is failing to discharge its duty under clutches of capitalist interest.

There was a clear  consensus among talk show hosts to avoid usage of terms having Marxian connotations such as “crony capitalism”, “state funding of private interests”, “appropriation of natural assets” etc. 2G Scam  was showcased as a mere corruption issue emanating from personal greed of some  rather than as a structural issue of capitalism which breeds corruption as its own fodder for growth. Historically, 2G scam has a pertinent role in shaping the 'India Against Corruption' movement and in  the forming of Aam Aadmi Party, which is projected as the sole saviour of India. Problems of capitalism was successfully misinterpreted as problems of democratic governance by media manipulation.

Times are similar now as there is a release of an explosive book – “Holy Hell” by an ex-disciple of famous God woman of Kerala, Amrithanandamayi. The allegations and experiences in the book are of a very serious nature; right wing parties are brushing aside allegations as part of bigger conspiracy.  As an exception, leftist politicians have demanded probe regarding the same. Conglomerate of Amrithanandamayi mutt has always escaped scanner of law enforcers under garb of divinity. The asset size of the same may be that of a Ratna company. There are larger political patrons and industrial captains involved in protecting interests of it as well. It must be noted that their institutions are run as capitalist engines as was made clear during the nursing staff strike in Amrita medical college hospital. The revenues are not taxed nor are they audited as they are run as a charitable trust.

But interesting is the silence of mainstream media in this issue. For a few days the issue was blacked out in mainstream media and when it became a raging topic in alternate media, the reporting started. Reporting was careful enough not to even place a passage of the book in public domain. The reporting was confined to the reporting of reactions of many people on the issue. Larger public are kept on dark on the real allegations and the news soon snowballed into  smoke screen  debate. There is a deliberate silence on the crackdown of people who commented against the Godwoman in social media from people who otherwise projects themself as apostles of free speech.

People of Kerala should see this behaviour with open eyes and use this opportunity to tear the mask of mainstream media which projects itself as independent and truthful. It can be concluded that mainstream media in Kerala, as everywhere,  is a capitalist enterprise which successfully represents interests of owners, investors, sponsors and big media executives. There is no element of public conscience in this business.

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